Currently, it takes from several days to up to three weeks to record a real estate transaction in Montgomery County. This status quo did not bother anyone at the Recorder's office - until Adil started to campaign to improve and modernize this office. Adil knows how to improve the County's office by upgrading and updating technology underpinning the recordings of real estate transactions. After all, Adil was the leader in implementing the largest technology update in Montgomery County in 2016. Best of all - Adil can do it cheaper, faster and better than anyone.
Adil knows firsthand what it takes to grow a small business from the ground up. He will lead with that experience to protect our homeowners and entrepreneurs alike from burdensome government regulations and taxes. Adil will fight for common sense solutions. The Dayton region is uniquely positioned at the intersection of I-70 and I-75 to spur real estate development. Adil's expertise in real estate and technology further strengthen his position as the only right candidate to represent voters and taxpayers.
With Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in our community, it is imperative to look after the over 40,000 veterans that call the Montgomery County home. Adil Baguirov will make it a priority to promote and issue free of charge state-issued Veteran ID cards and military Power of Attorney forms, military service discharge form, and urge legislation that would provide tax credits to businesses that hire and employ Ohio veterans. Additionally, if elected as a Recorder, Adil Baguirov will personally do offsite recordings to assist disabled veterans.
Adil believes every child in Ohio deserves access to the type of education that works for them, whether that’s public schools, private schools, parochial schools, charter schools or homeschooling. Adil is always ready to work with our local school boards, educators and parents to share his insights gained in improving the second poorest school district in Ohio that has been at the bottom of the state rankings for three decades.
Investing in preschool beats the stock market – hands down! High quality early childhood programs can yield a $4 – $9 return per $1 invested. According to a Nobel Prize-winning economist’s research, high-quality, birth-to-five early childhood programs for disadvantaged children yielded a 13% return on investment (ROI) per child, per annum through better education, economic, health, and social outcomes. Ohio must invest more in preschool today in order to generate impressive ROI and save money spent on incarceration – costing over $25,000 per inmate per year in Ohio.
As a pro-life leader and proud defender of our Second Amendment, Adil Baguirov is prepared to stand up for the values that make us proud to call Ohio home. As a proud gun owner and CCW holder, Adil has full appreciation and understanding of the necessity of the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and Article 1.04 of Ohio’s Constitution. Adil will always support the individual right to keep and bear arms. Second Amendment is one of the bedrock rights that makes America special and unique in the world, and has everything to do with the inherent right to self-defense and protection of freedom.
Adil is a fiscal conservative who won’t rest until we have a balanced budget and a smaller, more efficient state government. Adil will fight to make the Ohio Checkbook Initiative mandatory, to identify waste, fraud and abuse in a time efficient manner. Embracing the best technology solutions Adil Baguirov will make the Montgomery County government provide services faster, cheaper and better than anytime before.