
An American Success Story

About Adil

Turning Dreams
Into Reality

At 16, growing tired of living in a communist, unfree country, Adil made the decision to leave the former Soviet Union. He knew that there was an obvious way forward - to come to America, study hard, and pursue his dreams. Adil dreamt of a better life and the stunning difference between a free market with respect for property ownership vs. a socialist economy with no private property ownership.

The Start of a
New Life in America

In 1994, Adil was admitted to a college in the US. While studying in America, Adil worked on campus earning minimum wage – $4.25 per hour at the time – and saved money by not having a car and living in small one-room apartments for many years. Adil worked throughout the school year and every summer.

After graduation, Adil went to work full-time, while also earning his Ph.D., and eventually established his own small business. Working with local developers, Adil helped revitalize abandoned and foreclosed homes and commercial buildings throughout Dayton, reducing crime and lifting property values and hope along the way.

Adil continued to challenge himself and learn new skills and industries, and co-founded a transportation and logistics company in Dayton, which grew from just two trucks to twenty trucks in just three years – creating 30 local jobs. This experience gives Adil unique insight to make sure Dayton capitalizes on its geographical advantage at the intersection of I-70 and I-75. Adil Baguirov is a notary public and is a REALTOR® affiliated with a leading local realty firm - both of which are important for better understanding of County Recorder's responsibilities. Without doubt our region would benefit from having an elected official who is not a career politician but has real skills, experience and education in the biggest sectors of local economy – be it education, transportation and logistics, healthcare, technology and real estate.

Giving Back

Adil entered public service as a member of the Dayton Board of Education (DPS). It was not a politically prestigious job – nor did it pay well. At the time, DPS, the second poorest school district in the entire state, had sat at the bottom of state rankings for some 30 years and was on the verge of a state takeover. Virtually every department was broken. Cash reserves were very low. Buses were beyond old. Roofs were leaking. Some students did not have the skills to type or comfortably use a computer. Waste, fraud and abuse were commonplace.

Adil set straight to work restoring trust, accountability, and transparency, and helping take DPS from all too common “F” to an “A” on the state report card, fixing transportation, and making all students better prepared for college or career via his signature one-to-one technology initiative - all of this in just one term on the Board of Education.

A Stronger Future
for Our Families

Adil's wife Sevin earned her scholarships for a Master of Science degree from the London School of Economics in addition to graduating first in her class with an LLM degree from Edinburgh Law School focusing on international criminal law.

As the proud parents of twin girls, Adil and Sevin understand the importance of a quality education that prepares children for college and careers and a thriving, free market economy, with strong property ownership protections, that creates the good opportunities they will need.

Adil Baguirov with family